Mateya Law Administrator

About Mark Mateya

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So far Mark Mateya has created 171 blog entries.

One Couple Uses Their Will to Bless Many

2019-04-17T10:21:34-04:00April 17th, 2019|Estate Planning and Administration|

A couple without children of their own, were able to bless hundreds if not thousands of young people by leaving a very generous gift to their local community college, Harrisburg Area Community College.

Attorney Mateya has discussed how charities and non-profit organizations can be beneficiaries in a will.

Is there someone you would like to bless with a gift in your will? Call us today – we write wills. We can help you bless others and leave a legacy.

Giving to Charity in your Last Will & Testament

2019-01-09T14:31:44-05:00January 9th, 2019|Estate Planning and Administration|

          When you are writing your Last Will & Testament,  it brings up many thoughts. No one likes to dwell on their mortality, so the entire process can be rather dark. I want to help you change that.

          You can leave a legacy by making a gift in your Will. You can craft this gift in any way that you choose, within some very broad guidelines. Your gift can be contingent on something external, like “If my son is married at the time of my demise, I give him my home at 123 Main Street. If […]

Writing a Will with a Blended Family

2019-01-09T14:31:11-05:00January 9th, 2019|Estate Planning and Administration|

Second Marriages are common today. That is not a comment on our society, it is simply a fact. So it is a fair question – how does this affect writing a Will? There are a number of  special considerations that accompany writing a Will for a blended family. This blog entry only covers a few of them.

First, the word “children” needs to clearly be defined. Whose children? Yours, mine, ours? Without clarification, the simple statement “Everything goes to my wife, and if she predeceases me, then to my children” could cause quite a stir.  Don’t let that cat out of […]

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