It has been most of a year since my mother moved into assisted living. We have seen her health improve, and we have watched her make new friends.  She attends church services every Sunday, something she did when she was younger and had her health, and she likes it very much when my brothers and I visit with her.

            So did my brothers and I make the right decision in forcing my mother to leave the home she loved for more than 40 years in order to move 4 hours away into an assisted living facility where she was closer to two sons, further away from one son? And into a facility where she knew absolutely no one? We can say with 100 percent certainty that we did the right thing. She is happier, she is safe, she no longer worries about taking care of the house (which was designed for a husband and wife and three children – but was being lived in by one widow), and she has friends with whom she visits and takes her meals daily (opposed to the hermit-like existence she had while still in her home). I could go on and on about why this was a good decision.

            So why write about how brilliant our decision was? To pat ourselves on the back? No. To tell all of you who follow this blog, or who stumbled upon it, that you may be doing your senior loved a great service to make arrangements to help them to live their Golden Years in assisted living.

            Please contact Mateya Law Firm to help you with your estate planning and administration needs.